- 1.10+ replacements
- A legacy of thieves pack
- Abyss Walker
- Abyss Walker King
- Advanced Dialogs Tutorial
- Alchemy Bag
- Ambient Actions
- Ammo Loader
- Ancient Lore
- Angry Minotaur
- Armor Stand
- Backpack
- Badges
- Bandit Camps
- Banner
- Banner Holder
- Bedrock chocolate quest
- Biome Mod Support - Biomes O' Plenty, BiomesXL, ect.
- Boss Block
- Broadswords
- Bubble Cannon
- Bull
- Bull Armor
- Bull Greatsword
- Bull Horn Battle Axe
- Bull Leather
- Bullets
- Can someone help me with my Chest Config files?
- Cannon
- Cannon Bullet
- Castles
- Changelog
- Chocolate Quest FAQ
- Chocolate Quest Item id's
- Chocolate Quest Mod Installation
- Chocolate Quest Resource Pack Patch for Sphax Pure BDcraft
- Chocolate Quest Spawner
- Chocolatin
- Classes - New Mob AI
- Cloud Boots
- Commands
- Crafting Recipes
- Crazytobuildmcs Dungeons
- Cursed Bone
- Daggers
- Diamond Greatsword
- Dragon
- Dragon Helmet
- Dummy
- Dungeon Bricks
- Dungeon Configuration
- Dungeon Eggs
- Dungeon Exporting Tutorial
- Dungeons exporter
- Dwarven Bazaar (Semi-PMD)
- Dwarven Village (Semi-PMD)
- Dyeable Armor
- Element stones
- Elemental Golems
- Elementals
- Elements
- Elite Crypt Walkers
- Emogirlee
- Empty Spawners
- Exporter Chest
- FRanz2018
- Farmer's Settlement (PMD)
- Features Overview
- Flee-AI Mobs
- Giant / Monking
- Giant Zombie
- Great Pyramid (PMD)
- Gremlin Boss
- Gremlins
- Grog
- Grove of Evil (PMD)
- Gun
- Healing Potion
- Heavy Armor
- HingedPrisms Dungeons
- Hookshoots
- I need help
- Inquisition Armor
- Iron Greatsword
- Item Pricings
- Kakas123455's Dungeons
- KingOre's Dungeons
- King Armor
- Known Issues
- Lich
- LvsrsRedDragon's Dungeons
- Machine gun
- Mage Armor
- Mage Robe
- Mage School
- Mandrils
- Markin
- Mecha Golem Upgrades
- Mecha Golems
- Meldexun's Dungeon Pack
- Mercenary Inn Patch (Semi-PMD)
- Mercenary controller
- Mining Disruptor
- Minotaurs
- Mob Spawn Items
- Mob To Spawner
- Monking Weapons
- Moonlight
- Morning Shine
- MrSheepington
- Mummies
- Mummy Boss
- Muskets
- NPC Tutorial
- NPC Villages
- NPCs
- Necromancer
- Necromancer's Tower (PMD)
- Neptune's Temple (PMD)
- Nether Cities
- Null Block
- Orc Village (PM....H?)
- Originally Upcoming Features and Fixes
- Party Control Key
- Path Marker
- Pig Mage
- Pig Zombie
- Pirate
- Pirate Captain
- Pirate Ships
- Player-Made Dungeons
- Point Marker
- Portal Rock
- Proper Dungeon Design
- Pyromancer
- Removed Features
- Revolver
- Rifle
- Roboliuta's Dungeons
- Rosaries
- Rusted Gear
- Scouter
- Sek dungeons
- Servers
- Shamanish's Dungeons
- Shields
- Shotgun
- Skeleton
- Slime Armor
- Slime Ball
- Slime Boss
- Snow Castles
- Soul in a Jar
- Spears
- Specter
- Specter Boss
- Spectral Balsam
- Spell Swapping keys
- Spells
- Spider Armor
- Spider Boss
- Spider leather
- Staffs
- Stamina bar
- Strongholds
- Summoned Undead
- Super Tool!
- Sword and Shield
- Swords
- Table
- Teams
- Teleport Stones
- Test-test.prop
- The Alchemist
- The Butcher
- The Chocolate Quest Wiki
- The Ender Squad
- The Flamethrower
- The Hammer
- The Prospector
- Trickster Dagger
- Triton
- Triton House
- Triton Wizard
- Turtle Armor
- Turtle Boss
- Turtle Caves
- Turtle Scales
- Undeadungeons
- Upcoming Features
- User Based Content
- Walker Sword
- Wands
- Water Pump
- Wiki Credits
- Witch Hat
- Xiraxis
- Zombie